Automating building design.

Moondoor IFC Grid & IFC BuildingStorey maker

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About Moondoor IFC grid maker

A grid is probably the most basic structure you can give your building.
It's not even material, and yet so important.
Especially for design coordination.
As a coordinating party, you need to rely on multiple parties designing buildingparts that later will neatly fit together.
Being able to provide them the structure for that is vital: a grid.
So many times have we seen coordinating parties dependent on another party for providing a grid.

Doing coordination after all does not always mean you also are able to model yourself.
Unable to control the providing party's timeline, this easily delays the process days, perhaps even longer if your unlucky.
But you probably know the dimensions already from older preliminary drawings.
So that's why it makes sense to provide you with a grid maker.
It allows you to configure that grid yourself and cut out your dependency.
Of course we provide it in .IFC (IFC4) format, compliant with ISO 16739-1:2018

We tried our best to deliver full configuration capacity.
It's now up to you to make the choices.
Making these choices, you will probably encounter ones you need and ones you could've done without.
But then again, it might be the other way around next time.
So we are aiming for the best collective user experience we can think of.
But we want to know in case we made even a small judgement error.
Sending us your feedback and functionality requests at helps improving it over time.

Should you need help, please reach out to us at



LEGAL: Terms and conditions of (digital) products and (digital) services, licensed and sold by Moondoor B.V.
1. Digital services
1.a All Moondoor B.V.'s (digital) services, including any software offered to you by Moondoor B.V., are and remain property of Moondoor B.V and are licenced to you for use under the law of The Netherlands.
1.b Any software offered to you by Moondoor B.V. is protected by copyright law of The Netherlands.
1.c By using Moondoor B.V.'s (digital)  services in any way, you reject the application of any other law and you discharge us from any and all liabilities that would result from the use of these (digital) services.
Digital products
2.a All Moondoor B.V.'s (digital) products, including any digital files offered to you by Moondoor B.V., are sold to you under the law of The Netherlands.
2.b Any (digital) products sold to you by Moondoor B.V. are protected by copyright law of The Netherlands. By buying any Moondoor B.V.'s (digital) products, all copyrights remain with Moondoor B.V. You are licensed to alter and copy these (digital) products and provide them to third parties when you are cooperating with them to create a building, on the condition that all references to Moondoor B.V., including these terms and conditions, remain unaltered.
2.c You agree to check any (digital) products sold to you by Moondoor B.V. (an .ifc file most often) without delay and notify us if anything is not as expected. In this case we will gladly give you a refund or work on correcting any mistake on our part, so you can configure your product again.
2.d By storing or using Moondoor B.V.'s (digital) products in any way, you reject the application of any other law and you discharge us from any and all liabilities that would result from the use of these (digital) products.
3. By accessing or using Moondoor B.V.'s (digital) services, or by storing or using Moondoor B.V.'s (digital) products, you accept all the terms and conditions here above.
4. By accessing or using Moondoor B.V.'s (digital) services, or by storing or using Moondoor B.V.'s (digital) products, you accept all the terms and conditions here above as the only terms and conditions that apply to your agreement with Moondoor B.V.